Friday, January 27, 2012

rain rain go away

this winter has consisted of rain...just rain. it's miserable. so to think of colder things that make me feel like it's winter, i rely on iceland. iceland has always been this dream-like place that i have wanted to visit for years. the good news is that's where i'm going for my honeymoon in october! if we're patient and wait til the end of october, we will catch the iceland airwaves music festival. and speaking of iceland airwaves, a band that played there last year has created quite the buzz! along the lines of the melodic/large sound/happy-go-lucky yet a bit meloncholy is a six piece band called Of Monsters and Men. yes, they are from iceland. their album My Head Is an Animal is incerdibly catchy. i just caught myself bouncing around on the subway at 8am listening to them through my headphones. one of the subway rules: don't ever look too happy. i broke it. whoops!


Monday, January 23, 2012

step by step day by day

it's been months. quite literally. i have to be honest with you, lately music has been letting me down terribly. i looked at the 2011 year in review from NPR, pitchfork, etc and their lists are pathetic. bon iver is a given and should be on every list but from there it really feels like everyone struggled to find anything worth putting on a list in 2011. i didn't bother with a list. as you may have noticed i didn't bother with much. i got engaged. to a man. more specifically a man i've been dating for the past 5 years. now more than ever music is critical. what to walk down the aisle to, what to dance to, what to eat to, what to walk out of the building to...the pressure is mounting and we still have not found a DJ. scary.

i'm not sure why i'm posting this but i found it today and the minute i listened to it, i thought of my fiance (yep...we sound fancy and adult-like now). he loves dream pop, as do i. however, i believe there is a time & place for music like this. he's happy to listen to this on a 12 hr car ride in the middle of the night in a snow storm whereas i need something a bit more upbeat alongside my xxl cup of black coffee and bag of skittles.

i love you everett.